Sum Up Sunday #21

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Top left to bottom right: Back to work selfie, Gourmet Burger Kitchen Treat, Walks with Maizey, Filming a video for Tuesday...

Once again this week has been pretty quiet for me. I returned to work on the Benefit counter on Monday, only to decide once I was there, that it really wasn't what I wanted to be doing. So after consulting with the boyfriend for a few days, I decided to quit, I am going to be doing something else, but there will be more on that soon!

Saturday I had a job doing Wedding hair and makeup for a bride and makeup for one bridesmaid and I was so happy with the result. The bride wanted turquoise liner top and bottom, and it looked so stunning on her, and her bridesmaid wanted a look that would enhance her eyes, so I used my new favourite Urban Decay palette on her. Both of them were happy with the results, and I am getting more and more confident with hair the more I do it!

Today has probably been the busiest day of my whole week as Tim and I went shopping, Sunday is our treat day on our diet so we ended up going to Gourmet Burger Kitchen, I had an amazing Chicken, Camembert and Cranberry burger, and of course sweet potato fries, but I also tried one of their Honeycomb milkshakes for the first time ever and I was not disappointed.

Then Tim and I headed out to visit my family, and dogs, mainly because my nan got me a dress and I needed to check whether it fitted me... but it's always a bonus to get to see everyone, especially Maizey. As predicted she was super excited to see me, and Tim and I decided to take both the dog for a run in the field near my house, and we were all having a lovely time until it started pouring down! I was wearing a summer dress and shawl, so needless to say I got pretty soaked, but the dogs seemed pretty excited about the whole thing. Then I came home and filmed a video ready for Tuesday, the result of which you can see above... all will be revealed soon!

Have you had a good week?

Reading: Still have yet to pick something.. feel free to recommend to me!
Listening To: Michael Jackson and being digusted with my boyfriends lack of MJ knowledge
Playing: Hidden Object Games (my obsession is back)
Feeling: Calm... 
Looking Forward To: My secret project...
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