Mothers Day Gift Guide

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

This weeks Wishlist Wednesday is a little bit different, because it's not about things on my wishlist. It's actually all about ideas for what to get your Mum for this coming Sunday! I always dread Mothers Day because I never really know what to get her, so normally she'll ask for something specific. If you are like me and you are struggling of a gift idea for your mother, then I'm hoping this will help you...

Hopefully now you will have a little bit of inspiration of what to get your mum for Mother's Day, I tried to pick items that would suit a range of budgets, so hopefully there is something for everyone! My personal favourites are the family and pets print, and also the 'Day my life changed' necklace, although I certainly don't have £79 to spare to spend on mum. 

Let me know in the comments which of these items is your favourite?
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