I would love to show you the inside of our place, but it's just not up to pictures right now... We still have boxes and old furniture to get rid of, and truth be told it's in a little bit of a state right now. Trust me as soon as it is photo ready, there will be a flat tour!
All in all, it's going really well. I've never lived with a boyfriend before, and me and Tim just get on really well. We are always really happy to see each other when we get home from work, and always give each other a big hug. We take it in turns to cook each night, and we each have our own chores to do! We spend our evenings sat side by side, doing our own thing, watching TV together... It's honestly perfect. I don't think we've ever had a proper argument, and if we do have a bit of a go at each other we are quick to apologies and kiss and make up!
If you'd said to me a year ago, that I would be living with my boyfriend, and looking forward to a long future together, I would have laughed in your face. Now I am actually doing it, I cannot believe it, I am so happy.
Congratulations! Sharing a home with your loved one for the first time is always exciting!