#BEDM 5: My Bank Holiday

Monday, 5 May 2014

I didn't really feel like writing about Cinco de Mayo, but as it was a bank holiday today, I'm not in work, and instead I got to spend time with my family!

Originally we were going to go to the Zoo, or Thorpe Park, but we couldn't decide what to do, and in the end we just decided to meet up for lunch and go from there. I suggested that we go to Nelson's Diner, and has mum hadn't been there before she agreed to meet me there.

Nelson's is a 1950's style American Diner situated in Kingsclere. Which happens to be in between Newbury and Basingstoke, making it a perfect location for Tim and I to visit often! This was actually our third visit to the diner. They do amazing food, and the milkshakes are TO DIE FOR! But I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...

This is the snickers milkshake! They make it with chocolate milkshake, peanut butter and actual Snickers pieces. This is the only milkshake I've ever had of theirs. Although I did try some of Tim's bubblegum milkshake and that was pretty good!

Food-wise I went for a Chilli-cheese Dog, with Curly Fries. I love how they put the cute little American flags in the food, and this meal was seriously tasty... even though I couldn't finish all of it...

After chowing down we decided to go for a spot of Bowling... now I'm not great at bowling, but I didn't come last in the first game, although I did in the second...

She means business...

Trying to photobomb Tim's gormless face!

Sister Selfie

Silly Sister Selfie

My sister totally fancied the guy in the tanktop, and this was our sneaky way of getting a photo...

Genuine Slush Puppy popping candy! It came with our slush puppies, which I ALWAYS have when going bowling...

After failing at bowling, Tim and I decided to pop to Morrison's to get a few cheeky bottles of wine for tonight. When we walked in, I noticed these pretty flowers and decided to get some to brighten the flat up a little bit.

 After a long day of family time, I'm just enjoying chilling out and catching up on some of my favourite blogs... Sometimes it's nice to be a little bit lazy!

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1 comment:

  1. Oooh, Nelson's Diner looks like great fun. I love 50s Americana style diners!
