#BEDM 15: Blog Chat

Thursday, 15 May 2014

I'm here today to have a chat about my blogging experiences! I have only been writing this blog for a year and a bit now, so I wouldn't say I am yet a seasoned blogger just yet. However I have had my fair share of awesome blogging experiences, and I thought I would share them with you.

First off, back in the day when I wrote my Nail blog, I met the wonderful, Kerrie of Pish, Posh, and Polish, and we became fast friends! We met up a good few times since our first meeting, and we talk fairly often. One of the best experiences I have shared with Kerrie, is a Benefit Makeover, which I of course wrote about here.

Secondly, I got to go to an Amazing halloween party that was organised by my Favourite blogger, Becky Bedbug! I was actually luck enough to meet Becky before the party, and we went for a cheeky dinner, however I was lucky enough to meet SO MANY amazing girls for the Halloween Party... you can read my post on it here. However I also made a vlog for the party, which you can view below.

My favourite blogging experiences, are the ones that I have shared with other bloggers, and I hope to meet more of you in the future!

Let me know in the comments, what your favourite blogging experiences have been!
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