#BEDM 13: Fashion, Beauty and Grooming...

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

I'm not massively into fashion... I mean I love buying myself new clothes, what girl doesn't, but I don't tend to follow any trends, and I normally chose comfort over style!

That being said, I do enjoy reading fashion blogs, and seeing all my blogger friends put outfits together, and it does make me a tad jealous... I think one of my goals for next year might be to become a little more style concious. I have a style in mind that I would like to follow, I just need to get going on it!

Despite not thinking I'm that stylish, I actually did write an outfit post on this blog... Once upon a time... You can see that here.

As for Beauty, I am much more interested in that! In fact I am thinking of becoming a Makeup artist for film and TV, and have looked up a number of courses that I would love to enrol in, maybe in the near future!

It may surprise a lot of you, to find out that before I started writing this blog, I actually wrote a blog dedicated to nail polish, and nail art, called Rose Tint My Nails. Around the time I started my nail blog, I was becoming seriously obsessed with Nail polish (and still am). From simply reading nail blogs my polish collection grew from 20, to 120... It's still growing now... Unfortunately after starting my lifestyle blog, I simply couldn't keep up with both of them, and my nail blog was axed. There are still some pretty good posts on their that I am fairly proud of so you should definitely go and check them out! I don't paint my nails as often as I used to, and I really want to get back into it. I'm thinking of starting a feature on this blog where I paint my nails at least once a month, would you like to see that?

As for personal beauty, on a day to day basis, I don't tend to wear a lot of makeup, however whenever I get the chance I will sit down an experiment with my giant collection of Eyeshadow palettes... I own so many I think I literally have an addiction... I even talked about it on my Youtube channel...

Ever since watching Youtube Makeup Guru's such as Panacea81, I have been obsessed with eyeshadow looks. I'm not brave enough to wear crazy eyeshadow looks out, but it certainly makes me want to experiment...

I have written a post on a makeup look that I created using one of the palettes featured in the above video, and you can check that out here.

So there you have it, there is a little insight into my relationship with Fashion and Beauty. Please let me know in the comments if you would like to see more fashion and beauty posts from me!
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