My Week in Twitpics #1

Sunday, 31 March 2013

As you may or may not know I have a Blackberry, this means that to upload photos to Instagram, I have to mess about a fair bit. I have to take the picture on the Blackberry, Email it to myself. THEN access that email on my tablet, download the photo, upload it to my Instagram, pick the filter and post. So I have decided that until such a time as I have a phone that I can get Instagram on, I will just post pictures straight from my phone to Twitter. I am looking into apps that will give me cool filter effects and there will be a post on them shortly. As such I am introducing a new feature, 'My Week in Twitpics', which is basically the same as 'My Week on Instagram'. With that long introduction out of the way let's get started!

  1. Camel Balls Bubblegum! my friend Ellie found these in our local Supermarket. They are a liquid filled sour chewing gum. I think the packaging is completely halarious!
  2. Toy Tardis! This was actually a birthday present from my mum that failed to arrive before my birthday, so I arrived home on Wednesday to find this waiting for me in my room! It makes noises when you move it around, and the doors open! (So Awesome)
  3. Creepy Statues! These statues were in the restaurant that me and mum went to for lunch. They really freaked me out. In fact as I was taking this picture one of the arms was swaying as if it wanted to grab me! Scary stuff...
  4. Haircut! This was taken about an hour after I had my haircut! I now have a fringe, AND LAYERS!
  5. Celebrity Juice Easter Egg! I found this in Tesco and couldn't resist it, I also bought one for my brother and one for my sister. OOOOOOOOOOOSH!
  6. Strawberry Iced Lemonade! Despite it being freezing outside when mum and I went to Costa I couldn't pass up trying this. I was not disappointed, it was very refreshing! Perfect for summer (When it finally comes around)
  7. Models Own Fruit Pastel Collection! I was super naughty and bought the Fruit Pastel Collection when I saw it in Boots. I just couldn't help myself. I wrote a post on them here if you want to check that out!
  8. I'm an Owl! I found this cute little owl mask in Claire's accessories and couldn't resist snapping a quick pic!
  9. The Best thing about being home! I awoke this morning to the sound of bacon sizzling, and I came down expecting a bacon sarnie, but I was greeted by a Full English! Happy Days...
I hope you've enjoyed my first photo roundup! Let me know in the comments if you want to see more like this! 
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1 comment:

  1. Hey I found quite a nice free alternative to Instagram a while back for Blackberry called Molome. It's a shame to miss out on the Instagram community but for some good filters I think it does the trick!
