31 Day Challenge! Day 13! Do you have any regret?

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Doesn't everyone have regrets? Day to day regrets like I should have driven instead of walked, I shouldn't have eaten that whole tub of ice cream, or even I regret saying that to that person. I do this EVERY day. I'm the kind of person who acts and then thinks of the consequences after, and this often means that I will be having these mini regrets all the time. This is something I am working to change, particularly when it comes to saying the wrong thing to people, I'm trying to be more mindful about how what I say will effect the people around me, and I am getting better!

As for lifetime regrets, I have very few. One is that I didn't spend more time with my Granddad before he died. I saw him once every few weeks, but had I known he was a lot more ill than he let on then I would have been over there every week, several times a week if I could get there. My Granddad was my biggest fan, and I've mentioned before that I've been having a hard time this year knowing that he isn't going to be here to see me graduate. Even though I know he's going to be looking down on me, I still miss him.

Another one of my regrets is wasting so much time on my ex. I won't go into detail about this again, if you want to find out more then please read this post, it goes into a lot more detail about the situation.

Other than that I can happily say that other than my day to day small regrets I'm fairly happy with what I have done in my life!

Let me know if you have any regrets in the comments below! Also if you want to check out my previous challenges then please check out the links below:
  • Day 1 - Self Portrait and 5 random facts
  • Day 2 - Favourite Quotes
  • Day 3 - What makes you happy?
  • Day 4 - Best Childhood Memories
  • Day 5 - Movies I never get sick of.
  • Day 6 - My Last Random Act of Kindness.
  • Day 7 - My Dream Job
  • Day 8 - My Pet Peeve's
  • Day 9 - What is on my Life/Bucket List
  • Day 10 - Daily Routine
  • Day 11 - The Last Book I Read
  • Day 12 - Something I Miss

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  1. That's great that you are happy in your life now and I like the honesty of your regrets

  2. Ah, how easily I forget about all those little regrets!

  3. Yep, I could go on and on about little regrets like that.. Not exercising, that one perm...heheh...
    Isn't it nice to be happy for the most part though? :)

  4. Oh my, I didn't even think of ALL my daily regrets, lol. I could probably go and on too. :-)
