31 Day Challenge! Day 17! When and Why Did I Start Blogging?

Sunday 17 March 2013

According to my old blog, my first post was published on the 17th of November 2010. I'm fairly sure I wrote a few posts before then but deleted the blog that they were on, so I have no idea of when I genuinely started blogging. I started blogging properly in my first year of uni, and I kind of used my blog as a diary of sorts. When I first came to university I wasn't adjusting well at all, yes I made friends but I was terribly homesick and really wasn't enjoying the independence that came with being at uni! 

My blog became my place to vent, although looking back on it now, that wasn't a very good idea. Anyway I don't think I started blogging properly until November 2012 when I launched my Nail Blog. Basically I had been watching a tonne of Nail Art tutorials on Youtube, and reading a LOT of Nail blogs and I finally decided to start my own. I had a fairly good polish collection anyway but since then it has grown to well over 100 polishes... Then I joined the British Nail Bloggers Group and met a wonderful group of women, and I realised that there is such an amazing community for bloggers and my blog is now my favourite hobby!

At the end of January I made the decision to move my personal blog from Wordpress to Blogger, and to take it more seriously. I couldn't have made a better decision. My personal blog went from 0 followers to 44 followers on both GFC and Bloglovin. I am so proud of this. I am grateful for every single one of my followers, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog and giving me an audience to my ramblings! 

I hope to reach 100 followers by the end of the year, and to have regular blog features for you all! Thanks again, I love you guys! If you want to check out my other challenges then please click the links below:
  • Day 1 - Self Portrait and 5 random facts
  • Day 2 - Favourite Quotes
  • Day 3 - What makes you happy?
  • Day 4 - Best Childhood Memories
  • Day 5 - Movies I never get sick of.
  • Day 6 - My Last Random Act of Kindness.
  • Day 7 - My Dream Job
  • Day 8 - My Pet Peeve's
  • Day 9 - What is on my Life/Bucket List
  • Day 10 - Daily Routine
  • Day 11 - The Last Book I Read
  • Day 12 - Something I Miss
  • Day 13 - Do You Have any Regrets?
  • Day 14 - Whats on my iPod?
  • Day 15 - What makes me Awesome?
  • Day 16 - My Biggest Accomplishment!

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  1. Interesting post hun and a good reason to start blogging xx


  2. Good luck on your journey to 100! I am sure you'll get there in no time :)

  3. Wow! Not a lot of people switch from WP to Blogger. Usually it's the other way round...

  4. Good luck with your goal of 100 followers! I just KNOW you'll have them in no time at all!! :-)

  5. I never know if anyone is following my blog, lol. I just signed up with bloglovin though, because of google reader going bye bye. :P
    I hope you get to 100 soon, how fun!!!
