31 Day Blog Challenged! Day 2! Favourite Quote!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Today is the second day of the 31 Day Blogging Challenge organised by Tiffany of Fabulous Finds by Tiffany!

I'll be perfectly honest here. I'm not a massive lover of quotes. (except quotes from all my favourite TV and movie shows ever. Any quote that's funny is one that I like, but I'm not really into inspirational quotes. However I decided that today would be the day that I'd give them a go. So I found this article, '37 Inspirational Quotes that will Change your Life!'. The title made me instantly dubious, but I managed to find a few good ones.

This is something that I firmly believe in. Any chance that I get that sounds remotely interesting to me I grab at it... Well as long as it isn't too adventurous! Something that I really want to improve on when I leave Uni. Any opportunity that sounds interesting to me I am going to go for! (We'll see how that works out)

This one is something I really agree with. I have a tendency to burn through life and not really think about the consequences of my actions. That's another thing that I really need to work on! I guess I'll let you know how I get on with those!

This is the last one that I liked. I guess it kind of relates to the first one. 

Basically, I guess what these quotes are telling me that I want to grab more opportunities.... so yeah...

I'm not really sure what anyone gained from this post.... but there you go...

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  1. Good choice of quotes Hun... One of my favourites has always been:

    "To the world you are someone, but to someone you are the world"



    1. That's such a nice quote. I hope one day it will be true for me x

  2. I'm looking forward to this one, but that's mainly because I'm a sucker for proper cliched quotes-I have a little book that I collect quotes that mean something to me in. I know exactly which ones I'm gonna choose for tomorrow though!

    1. It's not that I dislike quotes. I just don't really bother with them! Unless they are movie quotes!

  3. I loved your choices. And I couldn't agree more with the final quote

    1. I know, I'm terrible for not seizing opportunities. Hopefully that will all change now!

  4. What great quotes. I'm not one for adventure. lol I'm kind of a chicken. I really like the 3 things as a stark reminder!

    1. Yeah I really like the three things quote! It's so true! x

  5. I also love funny movie quotes. I like what you posted about :)
