31 Day Challenge! Day 3! What makes me happy?

Sunday, 3 March 2013

This picture is from my 'About Me' page and I think that it really encompasses what makes me happy. 

  1. My friends and family. A good 90% of those pictures above are of me and friends or me and my sister. One of THE MOST important things to me is my family. So making memories with my friends and family is a big part of what keeps me sane and happy. A lot of these pictures are from nights out with my uni mates, or concerts with my sister. 
  2. Film and TV.  You'll already know if you read my blog that I study Film and TV and I watch a lot of Film and TV. Some might say I'm obsessed. I say I just like to lose myself in the world of TV for a while. I love having emotional attachments to characters, and I like nothing more than sitting in front of the telly falling in love with my favourite characters. I don't care what anyone else thinks. It just makes me happy!
  3. Dressing Up. I'm not going to lie. I love dressing up. Something about it makes me feel young and it's always a good laugh. I am pictured above in several costumes, I'll admit most of them were for Uni socials, but I hope that I will continue to dress up even after Uni. Because it makes me severely happy! (as a side note can you guess any of the characters I am dressed as above?)
  4. Meeting Celebrities. This one is something that I think EVERYONE should do. As I said in Day 1 of this challenge. I have met The Wanted 3 times. Once we paid for Meet and Greet Tickets and the other two times we just went to where they were going to be and met them! You may also see that there is a picture of me and the guy who play's Jay from Eastenders above. I managed to meet him at Soccer Six. I almost met the Simon and Will from the Inbetweeners but they managed to slip past me. You may think it a little sad, but trust me when I say that meeting a celebrity that you love gives you the BIGGEST rush ever. It's like a drug. My list of celebrities that I want to meet just keeps growing!
  5. Blogging. Something that I've discovered I really love doing is Blogging. I've had a blog pretty much since I came to uni, but I would blog on and off, leave it for months on end unwritten. Only to come back to it. It's only really since starting my Nail Blog in November that I have been blogging regularly. Then I took the decision to reopen my personal blog on Blogger and I couldn't be happier. I currently have 30+ followers on this blog and 60+ on my nail blog. This makes me SERIOUSLY happy. To know that there are people reading my blog, commenting on my blog, and just generally enjoying what I am writing makes me smile. When I hit 60 followers I swear I almost cried with joy. I don't know what I'm going to do when I hit 100... So thanks to every single one of you who is sat there reading this right now. I love you guys.
So there you go guys! There are 5 of the main things that make me happy! I'm really enjoying this challenge, it gives me an excuse to get personal with you guys! I hope you are enjoying them! Let me know in the comments what makes you happy!

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  1. Lovely post with lovely pics xx


  2. Loved your picture collage. And I totally agree that blogging can make us all happier

  3. I enjoyed your picture collage, what a neat idea!

  4. I would absolutely love to meet the guys from the Inbetweeners! They look like they're a laugh riot even in real life!

  5. I think so many times, pictures do express our happiness! I love that you have the above pictures in this post! Meeting celebrities would be fun...have yet to do that one! :)

  6. What a great list and reasons as to what makes you happy. I should've made a longer list. I was just happy to get to day 3. lol I hope you keep that spirit of wanting to dress up. I love the emotional attachment to characters as well! I hope you get to 100 followers soon! =)
